13 April 2019

The Virginia Search and Rescue Council awarded veteran Angel SAR member Gary Goodson Jr., the Lisa Hannon Award for 2019.

The award, which is the highest award given to a member of the Virginia SAR community, is given annually at the Virginia Search & Rescue Conference to a recipient who actively participates in searches, gives of themselves unselfishly and fosters cooperation among SAR groups. (Pictured are Gary W. Goodson Jr. ASAR and Kevin Brewer, VDEM Adjunct Instructor)

24 April 2016

GaryDonna2016Award Congratulations to ASAR member Donna Motley for being awarded the 2016 Virginia Search and Rescue Council (VASARCO) “Member of the Year” for Angel Search and Rescue (ASAR). (Pictured are Gary W. Goodson Jr. ASAR VASARCO Representative and Donna Motley)

Donna joined ASAR in September 2006 she attained her SAR First Responder (COQ) and Search Team Member (STM) certification in 2008. In 2009, the Search Team Leader (STL) certification was attained. Since that time, she as obtained the following additional training; the Field Team Signcutter (FTS), Wilderness First Aid, CPR and Traffic Management System (TIMS) (all required NIMS courses) were completed and still maintains their STL.

Donna is very active with ASAR and participate in all training events. In fact, she has coordinated many of our weekly training for the team and responds to searches as work allows. She works diligently on the ASAR stew fund raiser twice a year by handling all of the ordering of supplies, advertising and coordinating the bake sale and the pre-sold orders of stew.

Donna is also the past Secretary of ASAR and still serves as Treasurer.. Donna also serves as Secretary of the Pittsylvania County Fire / Rescue Association for the County of Pittsylvania.

26 April 2015

Congratulations to ASAR member Greg Motley for being awarded the 2015 Virginia Search and Rescue Council (VASARCO) “Member of the Year” for Angel Search and Rescue (ASAR). (Pictured are Captain Ricky Scott and 1st. Lt. Greg Motley)


01 May 2014

Congratulations to ASAR member Ricky Scott for being awarded the 2014 Virginia Search and Rescue Council (VASARCO) “Member of the Year” for Angel Search and Rescue (ASAR).

27 December 2012

ASAR K9 program featured on WSET 13 News!


18 May 2008

Added new pics to the members page

07 June 2008

Added new pics to the album (Search & K9)
Updated the searches page

22 August 2008

Added new pics to the album (NNO 2008)
Added new pics to the members page

04 October 2008

Added the One Call Now “Listen Here” banner to the members only area.

26 October 2008

Added new pics to the album (FTM 2nd Class 10-08)
Updated the members page

22 November 2008

Members complete PSO and FTS classes at Hungry Mother State Park recently
Added new pic to the album of class above
Updated the members page

25 March 2009

News Release:

Angel Search and Rescue Inc. (ASAR) is proud to announce that it had 20 members complete the Virginia Department of Emergency Management Courses in Search Team Member (STM) and Search Team Leader (STL).

Nine ASAR members completed the Search Team Member training which is designed to introduce the members to standardized practices for a search and rescue response. The 50 hour course includes an overview of the state system, legal concerns, Search and Rescue operations, search strategy & tactics, personal preparedness, wilderness survival, land navigation, and basic wilderness rescue.

Eleven ASAR members completed the Search Team Leader training which is for experienced searchers who want to continue their training. The focus of the Search Team Leader class is on leadership and field management skills. This 50 hour course also provides the student with insight into search management.

The training will allow more ASAR personnel to respond anywhere in the Commonwealth of Virginia that a search for missing person(s) is being conducted and also enables the Virginia Department of Emergency Management to call on ASAR to respond to other States that may need assistance in the event of a disaster where people are lost/missing.

ASAR presently has 59 active members on its team and is always looking for more volunteers to be professionally trained as search and rescue members. ASAR has responded to 12 missing person searches from 2007-2009. For more information about ASAR visit our Web Site at www.angelsar.org or call 434-822-5960.

Contact Person: Gary W. Goodson, Jr. Captain of ASAR


Photo of Search Team Leaders
Front row Left to Right:
Jenny Cole, Hannah Bennett, Lena Cole, Susannah Bennett, Sherrie Bennett, Karen Reutter & Dave Slayton
Second row Left to Right:
Larry Scott, Susan Barbour, Donna Motley & Barry Jones

Photo of Search Team Members
Front row Left to Right:
Andrew Shelton, Barbie Eanes, Rosannah Bennett, Devin Taylor & Julie Taylor
Second row Left to Right:
Joe Prater, Tammy Prater & Dewy Jones (Missing is Oscar Meeks)

Photo of State Search & Rescue Instructors
Left to Right First row:
Billy Chrimes, Bill Keith, Bryan Saunders, Sharon Keith & Rick Christ
Second Row Left to Right:
Bob Wingfield, Rob Speiden & Mike Maggard

07 September 2009

Angel Search and Rescue launches its new online store, giving the public another option to support our organization. Remember, its your generous contributions that enable us to save lives!

04 May 2008

Website goes live
Added new calendar
Angel SAR Offers Search Classes:
– Search & Rescue First Responder – June 21 & 22 *
– FTM Course – Sept. 12, 13, 14 & Oct. 10, 11, 12 *
* Please see the calendar for specific information

27 April 2008

Website completely re-done
Added new membership application
Added new photos
Contributors Sponsors now have web links on all pages